Where Teams and Ideas Meet

Where Teams and Ideas Meet.

輕鬆凝聚團隊力量,使用 ViewSonic® TeamOne,這是一款基於網頁的 AI 協作軟體,內含多種動態功能,旨在隨時隨地提升生產力與決策能力。


讓您的團隊透過 AI 提升協作效率




Collaborate effortlessly with touchscreen-optimized tools for seamless multi-user interaction.

Effortless Collaboration

AI 協作

Let AI streamline your work by converting notes to digital text and generating summaries.


Real-Time Co-Creation

Enhance collaboration with real-time updates and templates accessible on any device, anywhere.

利用 AI 增進團隊合作

透過 TeamOne 的 AI 功能,解鎖會議討論與腦力激盪的全部潛能,將團隊協作提升至全新境界!

AI Integration

Digitize Handwritten Notes

Easily convert handwritten ideas and hand-drawn shapes into digital formats with AI-powered recognition, saving valuable time and enhancing clarity during brainstorming.

Enhanced Collaboration Tools

Accelerate Decision-Making

Achieve alignment and faster decisions with TeamOne's collaboration features—such as voting, comments, and 'Focus on Me' mode. Perfect for retrospectives and team sessions, these tools help you quickly identify priorities, capture feedback, and streamline action items.

Content Integration

Enable Seamless TeamWork

Keep your project organized with live preview boards—all in one place. Easily integrate online resources such as images, GIFs, icons, and local files from Microsoft OneDrive or your device to streamline collaboration.

Streamline Workflows with Templates

Choose from ready-made templates or design custom ones tailored to your team’s unique workflows, seamlessly integrating with your existing tools.

Meeting & Diagramming
Effortless Collaboration
Brainstorming & Communication
Marketing & Communication
Agile Workflow

Part of ViewSonic Meeting Rooms Solutions

將 TeamOne 即時協作平臺結合 ViewBoard 互動顯示器和 TeamJoin 視訊協作會議解決方案,打造完善數位工作空間,提高團隊生產力和決策能力,適合實體協作和遠距團隊參與。

Optimized for In-Room Meetings

Create a collaborative, engaging workspace with TeamOne on ViewBoard interactive displays tailored for various room sizes to support productive in-person sessions.

Optimized for In-Room Meetings

In-Room Collaboration Made Easy

Enable seamless collaboration, brainstorming, and note-taking in any room size with ViewBoard interactive displays paired with TeamOne, tailored for every meeting space.

Recommended ViewBoards

Elevate meetings with TeamOne on ViewSonic's interactive displays, enabling seamless whiteboarding with intuitive, multi-user writing on an infinite canvas.

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    IFP50-5 Series

    Ideal for small group discussions and collaboration, this interactive display series offers 4K Ultra HD resolution, intuitive tools, and remote management capabilities.

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    IFP52-2F Series

    Designed to enhance teamwork, this Android™ EDLA-certified interactive display series features premium sound, a microphone array, and seamless integration with the Google ecosystem.

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    IFP Ultrawide Series

    Ideal for large spaces, this interactive display series features a 5K ultrawide screen with a 21:9 aspect ratio and all-in-one USB-C connectivity.

    Designed For Hybrid Meetings

    Connect your team effortlessly, whether in-room or remote, with Microsoft Teams integration and cross-device capabilities to keep everyone aligned and engaged.


    Microsoft Teams整合

    Enjoy a smooth in-app Teams experience designed for fully connected and efficient hybrid meetings.


    Cross-Device Compatibility

    Enable seamless participation for all team members with real-time updates across desktops, tablets, and mobile devices.

    Get the App on Your Favorite Platform

    Enjoy a seamless and user-friendly TeamOne experience across different platforms. Stay connected and productive with an intuitive interface that simplifies your workflow.




    Enjoy peace of mind as TeamOne is GDPR compliant to ensure the security and privacy of your employees’ data.

    Ready to Transform Your Team’s Collaboration?

    Experience seamless, flexible teamwork with TeamOne, whether in-person or remote.

    Find the Right Tier for You

    Unlock powerful collaboration features, whether you're working solo or with a team.

    vDisplay Manager


    For individual and teams to get started.

    • 500 boards and 1 public project.

    • 15GB for file storage.

    • 20 concurrent users on a board for collaboration.

    • 20 credits per day for AI tools.

    • 50 images per day for image search / Giphy / IconFinder.

    vDisplay Manager


    For organizations and businesses with interactive displays.

    • Unlimited boards and projects.

    • 75GB for file storage.

    • 50 concurrent users on a board for collaboration.

    • 30 credits per day for AI tools.

    • 50 images per day for image search / Giphy / IconFinder.



    • 什麼是 TeamOne 呢?

      TeamOne 是一款基於網路、人工智慧驅動的協作軟體,提供無限的畫布。您可以邀請同事和團隊成​​員隨時隨地在同一個數位白板上集思廣益、開發和組織想法。

    • 為什麼選擇 TeamOne?

      TeamOne 利用AI人工智慧簡化各種團隊形態下的協作工作—無論是混合型、遠端或面對面協作。它有助於視覺化複雜或抽像的想法,協助追蹤專案進度,並在單一協作平台內維持團隊成員一致性的溝通訊息。

    • TeamOne 具備哪些工具?

      TeamOne 提供多樣化的協作工具,包括文字輸入、圖形工具、手寫繪圖和便利貼,並配備先進的AI功能,如手寫識別和便利貼內容摘要。此外,還配備雷射筆和投票功能等特點,確保協作體驗的全面性與高效性。

    快速上手 TeamOne

    • 我需要安裝任何程式來使用 TeamOne 嗎?

      別擔心,本軟體可在 Safari 或 Chrome 等瀏覽器上使用。只要您安裝好瀏覽器,註冊後即可立即使用 TeamOne。

    • 我沒有 ViewBoard 或其他觸控裝置,能否使用 TeamOne?

      當然可以!TeamOne 是一款透過瀏覽器執行的應用程式,因此也可在您的桌上型電腦或筆電上使用。只要您的裝置預先安裝好瀏覽器,就可以直接使用。

    • 我如何在 TeamOne 中管理我的白板?


    • TeamOne 如何與線上會議平台如 Microsoft Teams、Zoom 和 Google Meet 一起使用?

      TeamOne 可透過原生應用程式無縫整合至 Microsoft Teams,讓參與者能直接在會議介面中協作或查看即時白板內容。而 Zoom 和 Google Meet 等平台,您只需複製白板連結或通過電子郵件發送邀請,即可輕鬆與參與者進行實時協作。

    TeamOne 資料安全

    • 我在 TeamOne 的白板都儲存在哪裡呢?

      ViewSonic TeamOne 將白板資料安全地儲存在符合高隱私與安全標準的 AWS 雲端伺服器上。您的資料會安全地託管於美國或歐盟的資料中心,並保持在您於帳戶設定中選擇的區域內。為進一步提升資訊安全,TeamOne 採用 myViewBoard 帳戶系統,確保絕不直接蒐集個人資料。

    • 其他人能看到我的資料嗎?

      您的資料在 TeamOne 中是安全的。我們透過 HTTPS 確保資料傳輸安全,並使用 AWS RDS 加密保護儲存中的敏感資訊。我們的網站應用防火牆(WAF)能主動阻擋未經授權的存取,同時嚴格的 DevSecOps 規範可防止開發人員直接存取生產資料庫。